Modular System
School of Foreign Languages

Modular System

The English Preparatory Programme of Beykent University consists of six different contents covering levels from elementary to pre-advance. The content of each course is delivered in a module which lasts for eight weeks of instruction and assessment. You can continue to the next level provided you have successfully completed the relevant module at the end of eight weeks. In order to allow you to make up/complete the required level, a Summer Module is offered which is planned to last for 5 weeks of instruction and assessment (for details, see the Academic Calendar on page 6). In the modular system, the courses may be delivered face-to-face and/or by means of blended learning conducted and supplemented through online platforms (synchronously) and digital platforms (asynchronously).

The programme has been designed to allow every student from all levels to complete their education by the end of the academic year, provided they have successfully completed each required level. Regular attendance and participation in academic studies play an important role in completing your education successfully. Attendance is compulsory in the English Preparatory Programme. If you exceed the absenteeism limit of 30 classes per module, then you are required to repeat the same level.  In order to continue to the next level, the weighted average of the quizzes taken throughout the module and the End of Module Exam must be 60 or above out of 100. Students whose average is below 60 need to repeat the same level.  


Semester (Term) System

The Russian Preparatory Programme and the evening education of the English Preparatory Programme offers levels from elementary to pre-advance by using a semester system. In this system, the content of two modules is delivered in the same semester which lasts for 16 weeks of instruction and assessment. You can continue to the next level in the following semester, provided you have successfully completed the relevant semester consisting of 16 weeks. In summer term, an intensive 5-week programme is offered to make up for failed classes within the academic year. In the semester system, the courses may be delivered face-to-face and/or by means of blended learning conducted and supplemented through online platforms (synchronously) and digital platforms (asynchronously).   

In the Russian Preparatory Programme and the evening education of the English Preparatory Programme, regular attendance and participation in academic studies also play an important role in completing your education successfully. Attendance is also a requirement. If you exceed the absenteeism limit of 60 classes per term, then you are required to repeat the same level.  In order to complete the term successfully, the weighted average of the quizzes and the midterm taken throughout the term and the End of Term Exam must be 60 or above out of 100. Students whose average is below 60 need to repeat the same level in the following term or the summer period.