Director's Message
School of Foreign Languages

Message From The Director

Dear Students,

We would like to welcome you to our University, where we believe that you will be spending the most valuable and influential times of your life both academically and socially. It is our privilege and pleasure to have you among us this year.

Having unimpeded access to information is one of the most essential needs of our century, and it is an undeniable fact that an internationally recognised high-quality education is the way to meet that need. Foreign language education is unquestionably the key to unlock access to information necessary to prepare yourselves for your presence on the international stage.

As the School of Foreign Languages (SFL), we are well aware of the important role of continuous renewal of curriculum as well as an experienced staff, who are equipped with internationally recognised qualifications and have adopted modern approaches, in achieving and advancing success in foreign language education. The School’s mission is shaped by our aspiration to educate self-confident, innovative and competent individuals in cross-cultural communication, and to provide them with knowledge and information which will be useful for every aspect of their lives.

Our main objective is to offer our valued and esteemed students efficient language education based on the Common European Framework (CEFR) in line with the School’s mission. We also aim to enrich our students’ academic and professional lives by equipping them with the required language skills, along with problem solving and critical thinking skills.

We wish you great success in your higher education life and professional life.

In the name of School of Foreign Languages,


Asst. Prof. Fatih Yücel

Director of the School of Foreign Languages