School of Foreign Languages


Medical reports will not cause the absence to be excused.

In the Foreign Language Preparatory Programme, attendance is a requirement and recorded starting from the first day of the module. In the modular system used in the English Preparatory Programme,  if you exceed the absenteeism limit (which  is 30 classes for each module), you will lose the right to sit for the End of Module Exam and have to repeat the same level. In the semester system used in the Russian Preparatory Programme, the absenteeism limit is 60 classes for each semester. Those who exceed this limit will lose the right to sit for the End of Term Exam and will have to repeat the same semester.

General principles of SFL concerning attendance are as follows: 

a. In the Foreign Language Preparatory Programme, you are required to attend classes and participate in class activities (i.e. tasks, projects, internet-based registration, etc.).

b. You are allowed to miss a maximum of 30 classes in a module and 60 in a term. Absences documented with medical reports from health facilities or other similar reports are counted against this allowed limit. Meaning, medical reports will not cause the absence to be excused. However, you will be excused from this requirement up to 3 days in case of decease of first degree relatives (i.e. mother, father or siblings), as long as you prove it with documents and apply for excusal in writing.

c. If you miss 31 or more classes in a module in the modular system or 61 or more classes in a term in the semester system, you are considered as “absentee” and will automatically fail. In that case, you need to repeat the same level in the next module/term.

d. Instructors monitor the attendance for each lesson through your signatures on attendance registers and/or electronic signatures. Attendance records are submitted daily to the Secretary of SFL. The records are entered into the automation system and any objections to these records should be made in writing within 5 (five) working days as of their announcement in the system. Objections which are made after the relevant module/term has ended and the total number of hours of absence has been officially announced, will not be taken into consideration. The records kept by instructors are taken as a basis in attendance records; and only in case of mistakes in fact, corrections will be made on these records.

e. In case of an objection, attendance records only up to 5 (five) working days back will be checked.

f. You are expected to attend classes with the course materials determined by the School of Foreign Languages at the beginning of the academic year. Those without the required materials will not be admitted to the class. 

g. You are expected to purchase original copies of the course books determined by SFL at the beginning of the academic year.  Those with unauthorised copies of copyrighted materials on campus take full responsibility for any legal or financial sanctions that may arise from that action.